Dzvinha, Bandoeristenkoor uit LVIV, Oekraine

vendredi 19 août 2016 19:45-21:30, Sint Maartenskathedraal, Ieper
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19:45 verzamelen onder de Menenpoort te Ieper

20:00 Last Post ceromonie met deelname van het koor

20:00 Optreden van het koor in de Sint-Maartens Kathedraal

21:30 receptie

Laureaat van de prestigieuze internationale festivals van Praag, Bratislave en Gdynia.

Giften ten voordele van weeshuizen in LVIV en omgeving.

Bandura-players chapel “Dzvinha” was founded on December 1, 2000 by public organization “Dzvinha”.This is an abbreviation from the "Bells of Halychyna" which is a beautiful region at the foot of the Carpathians, Lviv being the capital of it.

The repertoire of the chapel includes large amount of works of different authors and styles, with different character, content, subjects. Girls are playing not only Ukrainian folk songs and instrumental classics, but also classical works from the world treasury, sacred music and folk songs in modern arrangements as well as instrumental works.

Bandura is a typical and traditional Ukrainian instrument. Most of chapel members have been singing and playing bandura since their childhood, that's why they are proficient in it.

Artistic life of “Dzvinha” is rich and varied. For 10 years of its existence under the leaderchip of its band-master and chapel-master Mrs. Mariya Solomko and concert-master Mrs.Nataliya Myshlovska who are making music arrangement, the chapel managed to achieve a certain level and take an honorable place among the other chapels, to become known in Lviv, in Ukraine and abroad. Achievements of bandura-players testify to high quality of their music performance.

"Dzvinha" is impatiently expected abroad. Close and friendly relations have been established with Belgium. Belgian-Ukrainian society in Yvoir and Herzaux in the course of several years has been taking care of orphanages in Lviv and in the region as well. Money collected from charity concerts in Belgium are spent for this noble mission.

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